View of Ekenäs and Karön

Ronneby archipelago

Get ready for an unforgettable trip to the Ronneby Archipelago - a scenic destination that’s beautiful all year round!

During the summer, the archipelago comes alive with boat tours and outdoor trails offering island hopping, paddling, and salty swims. Join M/F Astrid from Ronneby center for a journey past the picturesque Brunnsparken to Karön and Ekenäs. Onboard Astrid, you’ll find a guide system filled with stories about the places you pass, tailored for both adults and children.


Ekenäs - Karön Guest Harbor & Marina

In Ekenäs and Karön Guest Harbor, you’ll always find boat spots with beautiful evening sun and shelter from all weather.

  • The guest harbors offer a total of 60 spots – 25 in Ekenäs and 35 on Karön. Mooring is done with booms, buoys, or alongside where booms/buoys are not available.
  • Harbor fees can be paid easily with a card or "PAY AND STAY". During the summer, there’s also a marine station with gasoline, diesel, electricity, water, showers, and toilets.


Karön Ekenäs Gästahamn i Ronneby, Foto av Mattias Holmquist





Nearby Restaurants

Enjoy a meal at Villa Vassen Restaurant in Ekenäs in Ekenäs or Restaurant Karön by Gårdskocken. Both offer fantastic food and views that complement your archipelago experience.
Boat Tours and Excursions in Ronneby


Restaurang Villa Vassen i Ekenäs och Restaurang Karön by Gårdskocken
Restaurang Villa Vassen i Ekenäs och Restaurang Karön by Gårdskocken.




Boattours & Excursions in Ronneby

  • From Ekenäs, you can easily take the boat "Spättan" Astrid to Ronneby Center, with an intermediate stop at Ronneby Marina.
  • From Ronneby Marina, you can take the archipelago boat for a day trip to Tjärö. From here, you can also continue with a new archipelago boat to Karlshamn.

Ta skärgårdstrafiken till Tjärö, eller välj Tjäröbåten i öns egen regi


Upptäck mer om Skärgårdstrafiken i Ronneby och Blekingetrafiken för att planera dina resor och utflykter. Gå till - SKÄRGÅRDSTRAFIKENS RESEINFORMATION





Get Closer to Nature

  1. Discover Karön

Just off the coast of Ekenäs lies Karön, offering a delightful environment with opportunities for both swimming and hiking. You can also enjoy electric boat tours among the islets and skerries in the Blekinge Archipelago.

  1. Järnavik - A Summer Highlight

Enjoy cliffside bathing, mini golf, and live music in the wonderful Järnavik. A short boat ride takes you further to the archipelago idyll of Tjärö. Here, you can explore nature or relax by the sea.

  1. Saxemara - A Walk Through History

Download the app "Guided Walks" and discover Saxemara Nature Park. Stand by the sea and see the site where the ship Gribshunden wrecked through the plexiglass, offering a unique glimpse into history.



Outdoor Adventures in the Archipelago

Here, adventure and relaxation await in perfect harmony. Pack a picnic basket and explore the diverse hiking trails along the coast. With ARK56 and RonnebySlingor as your guides, every step is a safe and guided walk along the trails.

Stå upp-paddla i Ronnebys lummiga skärgård. En naturupplevelse utöver det vanliga.

Gå till fler tips att - SE & GÖRA I RONNEBY


Your Archipelago Adventure Begins in Ronneby

Ronneby Archipelago is ready to be explored in a world of nature, culture, and relaxation. Contact Ronneby Tourist Information for more details and start planning your trip to the Ronneby Archipelago today.