Visit the wilderness

- experience the Swedish Southern Wilderness all year around.

You feel the peace of mind here, in the forest, by the lakes, the nature and relaxed atmosphere surround you. You can enjoy hiking in the woods and overnight stay in windbreaks or a day or two in a canoe, experience Blekinge´s biggest lake Halen and the connected lakes that takes you out on a true adventure. There´s some really lovely places around Olofström.

This area has also some of the best fishing waters in Sweden. Fish all year around in the beautiful lakes and rent a cabin, with everything you need, so you can have a relaxed stay. There are fishing guides and fishing packages if you want to get the most out of your stay. 



Evenemang i Olofström

Här erbjuds ett härligt flöde av evenemang och upplevelser. Oavsett om du söker musik, teater, sport eller kurser, finns det något för alla.

Vill du själv lägga in ett evenemang i Olofström? Klicka här -  Evenemangsformulär

See & do

-all years around in Olofström


More tips can be found in the brochure.


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