Roadtrip in Blekinge, southern Sweden

Summer roadtrip

Nothing is as summery as gliding in the cultural landscape, feeling the wind in your hair and drawing in the scents of the summer flower beds. Whether you are driving a convertible, a car with downwind windows, a motorcycle or a regular pedal bike. Sweden now smells the best!

Sommarens roadtrip på cykel

Blekinge is full of beautiful little country roads that meander through the landscape. Plan a route on the map, why not use the brand-new application ARK56 that you can download in your smartphone and orient yourself digitally in the bleaching landscape or go around completely unplanned and see where you end up. Blekinge is not very big, and it is difficult to get lost. Here it is rather close to everything, and even if you go entirely wrong, it is rarely far back. Between the sea and deep forests, it is only a few miles.

Sommarens roadtrip i Blekinge


Blooming flower meadows. As agriculture is rationalized, the small-scale cultivation landscape disappears, not least at the generation shift where younger farmers rarely accept long working days 365 days a year. In Blekinge, we are still fortunate with many smaller farms where the fields and pastures are still grazed by cows, sheep and horses. Without the latter, a large part of Sweden would probably grow again. Go to Torhamnslandet in the east, to Almö outside Ronneby, to Ire outside Karlshamn, the western edge of Halen in Olofström or to Ynde village in Sölvesborg if you want to experience the bleaching cultural landscape. Contemporary road edges are otherwise a new type of meadowland with a variety of flowers in all its forms. Lovely side areas are signposted with "Artrik Vägkant" in several places in Blekinge.

Blomstrande ängar och får som betar fritt


Mobile house in Blekinge.
Camping is somehow synonymous with Blekinge. Experience the urban camping life in Karlskrona or Karlshamn or check-in at quiet campsites by the sea where you can park your camper, caravan or tent right down at the beach edge. Right in Blekinge, most campgrounds are located by the sea where you can combine proximity, town, forest and beach in one place. Don't miss the fantastic Ronneby Sea Camping just south of Listerby where the sea embraces the heart of the campsite.
  Sommarens roadtrip, stanna vid hav och sjö


Eating on the beach. Apart from several sea-close restaurants, cooking on the beach is a favourite in Blekinge. Take the grill down on the beach or cook at one of the municipality's public barbecue places. It is at least as good to pick ready-made food, from your own kitchen or bought and enjoy the dinner flavours at sea or in the middle of the forest. Eating on the beach or at a lake in the woods makes experiences as a holiday. Preferably with bath and beautiful sun glitter in the water. Don't miss the pubs Wägga Fisk & Delicatessrökeri as well as Restaurant & Wine in Karlshamn, Sjörök in Karlskrona and Schweizeriet on Karön in Ronneby, all with lovely sea views. A charcoal tag on the beach gilds any beach experience. At the New Skafferiet in Karlskrona, you can book a catering tray and enjoy pies, salads, chark, cheese and fruit at any place.

Sommarens roadtrip, med kvällsmat på stranden


Evening walks by the sea. Kick-off your shoes and go for a barefoot walk on the sandy beach, follow the bays in central Karlskrona and round Dragsö and Saltö on the way back to town or it's ultimately still and stare straight out into nature. Nothing is as healing as nature itself, the scents, the sounds (or perhaps the lack of sounds) and the stillness of the water.
  Sommarens roadtrip med promenader


Fantastic beach bath. Some love sand between the toes while others detest it. In Blekinge you can get both and enjoy beautiful rock baths in Karlshamn and Karlskrona, great beaches in Sölvesborg - do not miss Sandviken and Hälleviks beaches - and beautiful lake bathing in Olofström.
Sommarens roadtrip, med strandbad  


Loved dogs and the magic of the water. Tell the dog that doesn't like water. Of course, there is a whole lot of dogs who hate to dip their paws in the water and even less voluntarily jump in. Dogs who like water, the sea is a never-ending resource for both exercise and joy. Look for unique dog bathing places, since there are actually some such marked places in Blekinge, for example below Hälleviksbadet and in Tredenborg in Sölvesborg and at Blåsvik at Halen in Olofström. Since dogs are generally not allowed to swim on public beaches in high season, it is essential that you pay attention and search for the side of the beaches and will enable the dog to swim where it disturbs as little as possible.

Sommarens roadtrip med hundar och vattnets magi

SUP, kayaking and boating. Not enjoying the proximity of the water is a pity when travelling in Blekinge. Jump aboard one of the Blekinge transport boats and enjoy the opportunities of the island aviation or rent a kayak and head straight into the sea band. If you haven't tried SUP (stand up paddleboard) before, the balancing exercise is popular. You can now rent SUP at several sites in the county, for example, the canoe centre in Olofström, Karlskrona kayak, Verkö kayak and at several campsites. The balance exercise is enormous, and if you are not able to get up on the board, you can paddle on your knees. Nowadays, several players offer SUP yoga, yoga exercises on a SUP board where balance and control come into focus. For example, Pensionat Järnavik between Karlshamn and Ronneby.
No matter which way you get through Blekinge, the vicinity is striking. From one end of the landscape to the other, it is just over ten miles, from north to south just under half. Combine the pulse of urban life with the tranquillity of the countryside. Cycle across, hike in the long-distance or go in a cabriolet through Blekinge. If you do not own your own convertible, you can at least weave the windows and go airborne through Blekinge with your hair on end. It is now summer is at its best.

Tips för en miljövänlig roadtrip

När du reser genom Blekinge är det viktigt att respektera naturen och följa lokala regler. Lämna inga spår efter dig och håll dig till markerade leder. Det är så vi kan fortsätta att njuta av Blekinges vackra landskap även i framtiden.

Överväg att använda ett miljövänligt fordon som en elbil eller hybrid. Många campingplatser och boenden i Blekinge erbjuder laddstationer för elbilar, vilket gör det enkelt att resa hållbart.



FAQ: Vanliga frågor om sommarens roadtrip i Blekinge

Är det lätt att navigera i Blekinge?

Ja, Blekinge är relativt litet och lätt att navigera i, speciellt med hjälp av appar som ARK56 som erbjuder kartor och information om sevärdheter.

Vad ska man packa för en roadtrip i Blekinge?

Packa bekväma kläder för både soliga och svala dagar, badkläder, samt en picknickkorg med lokala delikatesser. Glöm inte laddare och powerbanks för dina digitala enheter!

Finns det tillräckligt med laddstationer för elbilar?

Ja, det finns flera laddstationer runt om i Blekinge, särskilt i städer som Karlskrona och Karlshamn, samt på många campingplatser.

Hur kan jag boka campingplatser i förväg?

Du kan boka campingplatser genom respektive campingplatsens webbplats eller genom att använda appar som eller

Vilka är de bästa vattenaktiviteterna i Blekinge?

SUP, kajakpaddling och båtturer är bland de populäraste aktiviteterna. Det finns många uthyrningsställen för både SUP och kajaker i Blekinge.

Finns det hundvänliga stränder i Blekinge?

Ja, det finns speciella hundbadplatser där din hund kan bada utan att störa andra strandbesökare. Kontrollera lokala skyltar för information om var hundar är tillåtna.

En sommarens roadtrip i Blekinge erbjuder en perfekt blandning av kust, skog och kultur. Oavsett om du föredrar att utforska med bil, cykel eller till fots, har Blekinge något för alla. Ta med familj och vänner, eller ge dig ut på ett eget äventyr och upptäck Sveriges Trädgårds paradis i sommar.